
  • Letter of recommendation from a city water services manager for Consulting Engineering, Inc., praising their valve box maintenance work and integration with GIS systems.


    "I highly recommend CEI for leak detection and valve-box maintenance needs."

  • Letter from Water District about leak detection services by Consulting Engineering Inc., dated December 15. The letter praises the service, mentioning 175 miles of water mains checked on budget and on time. It invites further inquiries and is signed by the General Manager.


    "We were happy with their services, staff, and management, as they finished the project on time and within budget."

  • Letter of recommendation for Consulting Engineering Inc. (CEI) from a city's Water & Sewer Supervisor, praising CEI's leak detection services for accuracy, consistency, and professionalism, mentioning their work over 170 miles of water main and successful project outcomes.


    "They have accurately identified leaks on hydrants, valves, service lines and distribution mains. CEI’s consistency, accuracy and proactive approach has significantly contributed to the success of our projects."

  • A letterhead document from a Department of Public Works recommending Consulting Engineering Inc. (CEI) for leak detection services. It details CEI's successful performance in conducting comprehensive leak detection surveys over the past 5 years for nearly 80 miles of water distribution system in an unnamed village. It praises the team's efficiency, communication, and budget adherence. The letter specifically highlights the exceptional qualities of an unnamed individual. The letter is signed by the Superintendent of Operations of the village in Illinois.


    "...showed a true passion for the work he was doing. He relayed updates at regular intervals and made certain the work was being done to the standards and expectations of the Village. He answered any questions and provided detailed responses in a timely manner. Working with [them] was a real pleasure."

  • Letter of recommendation for Consulting Engineering, Inc. from a Department of Public Works, praising their work in leak detection and data collection through ESRI's ArcGIS.


    "In closing, it has been a great to work with [redacted] and the field staff. [Redacted] is responsive, as are the field staff they employ. Our main field contact for CEI, [redacted], provided his expertise with our personnel. For these reasons, I recommend CEI for leak detection and water distribution maintenance needs."

  • Letter of recommendation from Massachusetts Water Department for leak detection services by Consulting Engineering Inc.


    "To date all the locations identified by CEI have been proven to be very accurate and has allowed the City of [redacted] to repair the leaks and stop the wasting of water."

  • A letter of recommendation from a Massachusetts Water District addressed 'To whom it may concern.' The letter recommends Consulting Engineering, Inc. (CEI) for leak detection services, highlighting their use of electronic acoustic devices and GIS technology for accurate results. The letter commends CEI for their professionalism, communication, and safety measures. The superintendent of the Water District confidently recommends CEI for leak detection and water distribution maintenance. Contact information for the superintendent is provided.


    "Using the latest electronic acoustic devices, loggers, and correlators, CEI identified potential leak locations by sounding assets connected to water mains. Implementing real-time, synchronized data collection through ESRl's ArGIS, CEI provided us with well-documented, measurable results; clearly communicated their areas of work and deployments; and conducted their tasks with the utmost safety which left us with a feeling of confidence in their expertise.."

  • Letter recommending Consulting Engineering, Inc. for leak detection services, dated March 23, from Amory Engineers, P.C., emphasizing professionalism and successful completion of a project.


    "Their field and office personnel were knowledgeable, cooperative and highly professional during the work. I would recommend CEI to conduct leak detection services in the future. "

  • A letter on official letterhead from a water authority recommending Consulting Engineering, Inc. (CEI) for their work in leak detection. The letter, dated December 15, praises CEI's use of technology and expertise in surveying and data collection through ESRI's ArcGIS. It highlights success in identifying leak locations and maintaining safety. Contact details are provided at the bottom.


    "Using the 100% correlation method, CEI performed 180 miles of leak detection for [redacted] to date. CEI provided us with measurable results, clearly communicated their whereabouts and deployments, and conducted their tasks with the utmost safety which left us with a feeling of confidence in their expertise."

  • Letter from a city's Department of Public Utilities recommending Consulting Engineering, Inc. for their work on a leak detection project.


    "...they have listened to approximately 35,900 fire hydrants covering 2,430 miles of water mains. .. Consulting Engineering's role in this project is scheduled to be completed on-time and within budget. I confidently recommend Consulting Engineering for conducting leak surveying services."

  • Letter of recommendation for Consulting Engineering, Inc. from a retired service director, praising their civil engineering and leak detection services for the City, citing work conducted from 1986-2011.


    "It is my pleasure to recommend Consulting Engineering, Inc. (CEI) for civil engineering and leak detection services. CEI performed a comprehensive leak detection survey, intermittently, from 1986-2011 for 60 miles of the water distribution system for the City of [Redacted}."

  • A letter on City of Cleveland Heights Utilities Department letterhead, dated March 20, recommending Consulting Engineering for their leak detection services. It praises their high-quality service over 10 years, highlighting cost savings and water preservation. The author, a Utilities Commissioner, endorses the company for future collaborations and provides contact information for further inquiry.


    "I wholeheartedly recommend Consulting Engineering to provide leak and engineering services. The City looks forward to continuing our relationship with the company in other capacities in the future."